I confess, I found the course rather overwhelming, what with my ongoing health issues, and decided to defer...
I still find it overwhelming - I am still paralyzed on my right side, and still need a nap in the afternoons, but my stamina is a tad better than 2 years ago, and I knew I wanted to try and complete it - plus there's a time-limit to re-entering the course...
I haven't even handed in the first assignment, so it'll be a tall order to complete 3 assignments before August 2013, but if I manage that, I can request a 6-month extension to finish the last 2 assignments...
I think it's doable, with an extension, so I'm back on it!
I haven't been totally idle for 2 years, and drawing and writing with my left hand are becoming a little more natural - though, there's still a long way to go compared to being naturally right-handed for 43 years!
Here's a selection of my drawings from the last 6 months.